Precare & Postcare
Please follow these instructions prior to your treatment:
Avoid alcoholic beverages 24 hours before and after treatment. Alcohol dehydrates the body, and it is critical that you stay hydrated throughout your treatment.
Be sure to drink plenty of water day of treatment. It is important for proper lymphatic drainage.
Avoid caffeine 3 hours before treatment.
Do not eat for 2 hours before treatment.

Please follow these instructions after your treatment:
For 72 hours following treatment drink plenty of water.
Avoid alcohol for 24 hours after treatment
Do not eat heavy for 2 hours after treatment.
Stay active. It is important to keep the body moving for maximized results. That includes walks, going to the gym etc.
Eat foods that will help your flush toxins from your body.
Avoid physical exfoliation on the area for a few days to allow the skin to rest for proper cellular renewal.
Wear sun protection on areas if being exposed to the sun
If any tenderness or redness occurs after treatment, gently
ice the area up to 15 minutes